Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Counting Down To Christmas And New Year!!


I simply cannot believe how fast time just zoomed past right before my eyes!! 


I'm just at a lost for words......... Everything's just happening so fast!! Or is it my short term memory contributing to that.......

On one hand I'm really excited and looking forward to Christmas and New Year but on the other hand, the Year 2012 somehow reminds me that I'm gonna be another year older!!!!


But on a happier note, I'll like to think that I'll be getting another round of Christmas, New Year, Birthday and Anniversary presents!!!!!! 

YAY!!!!!!!! Wahahahahaha...............

So here's to wishing everyone have a Merry Christmas and getting the presents you wished for and a Happy New Year!!!!

Signing off......

**Hinting about the presents thingy**

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