Sunday, June 30, 2013





I have had terrible experience with this place. 

Bought the 3 sessions Groupon deal.

I booked my first appointment by phone and the receptionist took down my contact number wrongly and when I turned up for my appointment they said my appointment was on waiting list and not confirmed. They said that they will call their customer 1 day advance to confirm the appointment. I then proceed to fix another appointment and wrote them my contact number. In the end I left the place without any treatment. 

Then came my official "first appointment" day, did body massage with them. Was quite painful at some point but I did not stop them. After treatment I proceed to make my next appointment for facial. When I reached home, I found small bruises on several spots of my leg.

1 day before my facial appointment, I did not receive any phone calls from them so on the day itself, early morning I tried to call the shop 2 times but nobody answered the call. Minutes later I received a call from a different HP number. I ask if my appointment was confirmed as I did not receive any confirmation calls the girl on the other line began to answer in a irritated and demanding tone that she had been calling for 2 days but could not get through and she said she sent an SMS reminder. I was shocked and told her I did not receive any calls or sms reminder and I also told her they could have called the wrong number as I recalled that the first time they did get my number wrongly. The whole time during the phone call she was so rude and unreasonable that I hung up on her and made my way there nevertheless.

When I reached there, they proceed to do the facial treatment and half way through the facial during the extraction part I heard 1 of the therapist's colleague calling out to her to ask her to go out. And out she goes leaving the bright light shining on my face. I waited about 2 minutes and I could not take it, I push the light away and sat up. It was not until about another 5 minutes then the therapist came back. 

And not a word of sorry!!!

Continuing with the extraction. Was so effing painful that I told her to skip that step. Next came the mask. It was so runny that it flow down and into both sides of my ears and neck. Waited for the longest time ever..... Then I heard the therapist asking another therapist to remove my mask for me..... 

Like WTF!!

When I met her outside at the bag locker I don't even bother to smile at her already....




  1. found ur blog while googling for reviews of this place... and had the same issues as u did...

  2. yes i agree. the lady boss is very pushy. even though i told her i already have facial package with another place in toa payoh, she asked me to lie to them that i moved house. i did not complete my last session as i was too busy and they did not bother about contacting me back either. nonetheless, i am happy to be rid of them as like you said, their service is pretty bad.

  3. Thank you for providing the information. I would like to suggest that I have recently came across a beauty salon in a magazine called changing room salons who is providing various types of beauty treatment services like haircuts, hair color, waxing, nails, reflexology to facials with 100% guarantee.
    Prices For Hair Cut In Miami

  4. thanks for the heads up! Was contemplating to purchase the voucher but won't do so now. Thanks!

  5. Well people, I had a different experience in May 2014. Dont know if the staff has changed. My tummy triming sessions were effective and efficient. Guess, we need to collaborate with them. Hear them out, ask questions and decide for yourself if it is a sales pitch or a push and know your body. There would certainly be some elements of truth and some elements of business deals. Therefore strike a balance and find out what you actually want and do a bit of research about what you want before going to any of these outlets. Good luck, ladies!

  6. Thank for the info..I was searching for some reviews before buying the deal. Will not proceed to buy it any more :)

  7. I encounter the same issue.. very unfriedly service while i'm trying to make aoopintment to Utilize my streetdeal voucher. end up i decided not to use the voucher. I rather waste the money than having unhappy session with them.

  8. Hmm, well for me I had different experience My voucher expired in.two days and I almost forgotten so I call up there a lady very good ask me how many session I have I say 3 she explained that since going to expired in 2days there no way for me to finished 3sessions,she ask me to let her redeem my voucher first so that I don't need to rush and wasted my session so that she able to extend one month for me,I'm very happy and agree to it.she also explained to me the benefits of treatment and the interval to see good results. The way she explained I can feel that she a very experience person in beauty industry, I'm feel great that I did not waste my voucher .

  9. ooh.. I had that explanation.. but I agreed with the above that the service is way below expectations.... the boss was pushy .. once if you are not interested in their packaged.. they just cant be bother with you.

    I have other places.. whom are not pushy.. yet deliver what they promised.

  10. I'm also using Deal voucher,I had very bad constipation for many years,I went there doing my first treatment, they told me what I will expect after the next few days,true enough I went to toilet three time the next days,was so happy that I need not to drink any detox tea to go toilet any more,I introduced my gf there to try their treatment as she was same as me having serious constipation problem as well,so she went there try without using voucher she too had very good Impression of their services and sign up 30sessions with them during her 1st visit.she also able to pass motion for the next few days ,during her 2nd visit she lost 1.5kg which is 10days Later. So I feel that is not fair for your to have such comments, most important is must know what you need,and since online voucher is very cheap and affordable there no harm to try out,and heard them explained before flared up, so gals up there don't get affected by these negative comments,we in services line jolly well we know there are many unreasonable customers up there as well.

    1. FYI mine is not an isolated case. Many people have also had such bad experiences with them just that they chose not to broadcast it so openly.

      I am not wrong to blog about it to let others know of my bad experiences. Deciding to go there or not is also not within my control.

      Count yourself and your friend lucky that both of you received good service and treatment at that point of time but you can't judge other people when they had otherwise. "hear them explained before flaring up"?? They did not even bother to apologize what makes you think they have time to entertain and explain to me at that time.

      I myself is also in the service line therefore I always make it a point to smile and say thank you to the service staff whenever I'm outside. And FYI, I did not lose my cool the entire time I was at their salon even after making me wait like forever during masking. I was already in a bad mood but did not show it on my face. When I was making my next appointment with them after my treatment that day, I even said thank you and bye to them.

      FYI again, the salon manager called me up on 07/09/2014 to offer me a free trial on their service/treatment and assured me again that they will not hard sell their package to me. Even after her assurance, I honestly am hesitating to go back simply because they already know me and surely they will be giving my VIP service and treatment when I turn up just because I made a complaint on them. But what about the other paying customers? Will they be having the same VIP service an treatment?

      I really hope they have reflected and improve on their customer service on their part not just to pacify me but to be fair for the existing paying or potential customers.....

      I did not blog this for my own benefit(to get free treatment or anything)..... My blog was dated June 30th 2013 and I only received their call today(07/09/2014).......

  11. Well I'm a customer of beauty perfect for past 1yrs,I'm also the one that feedback to them on your blog when I happened to introduced my friend to try out their services when they see improvement on me,But I forgot their.full address so I went online to search and was surprise that you blog openly on them w their salon pictures. Since ur a blogger you can have the right to blog about anything that is true or not true,But I feel you have no right to comments till this extend w pictures and salon name,I don't think you are legally to do so.

    I'm the one that ask them to invite you for treatment so that misunderstanding or any unhappy issues can be solve and good for everyone But never expect that you are so sensitive and feel that people might think you blog for free treatment, I believe no one will feel that since you are not popular nor famous like some blogger pay to try free services and write on it.

    They simply just hope that you can give them a chance to change your view on them As treasure you as customer never expect that instead you wrote more bad issues,and wanna tell everyone that they proposely wanna pacify you,be fair with those paying customers.I think this is not up for you or I to comments .I really regretted suggesting them to call you up for services If I know that you are such a sensitive person, I just can say is their luck .

    1. Sounds like this is just one of their own ppl, so defensive

  12. If you think I'm unreasonable, you can jolly well get your information and move on. But you chose to leave a reply along with all your false accusations. Not legal to blog about my own bad experiences? I can jolly well report them to CASE but I did not. And that just means I AM ALREADY GIVING THEM ANOTHER CHANCE. If you were to go through what I went through, you won't be defending them.

    In the first place, I did not claim myself to be famous or popular(one of your false accusations). And even though I'm not famous or popular, I have already influenced some people in their decision not to try their services. So that just means that not only the famous and the popular can influence others. The real life experiences and the truth speaks for itself more than anything. And if you didn't notice already, some others also experienced similar bad experiences as me.

    In the first place, I did not even intend to visit there anymore. I don't even care if they offer me e.g. 10 or 100 free treatments. And I don't even care if it's the president who asked them to call me up, let alone you.

    I can only say it's their luck to have 1 such loyal customer like you.

  13. Terrible service... did the treatment of cool freeze... the worst experience ever. Very bad service. Not going for my two left over services. So bad and i rather losse my money than see their dump faces... NEVER GO TO THIS PLACE...

    1. Oh no... I'm so sorry to hear that....

      The lady boss called me up some time ago and told me that they have a change of staff.... I guess it all boils down to the level of customer service... No point changing all the staff if the boss did not improve on their customer service....

      Don't worry you are not the only going through this.... I feel you....

  14. Unprofessional, rude staff and VERY POOR ervice.

  15. I had a really hard time making my appointment and to only realize they make a mistake in my booking when I called to double confirm since they give me reminder call.

    They didn't even apologize for the mistake.. That is so bad! Hopefully the treatment goes well for me and my friend..

  16. I seldom go to facials. I had booked this package 1 year back, i had same issues , very poor in fixing appointments. Best part is , she will call you back to tell you your mistakes and will insist that you are wrong, they are right.incident was she told me i have booked appt since on Oct 2014 and untill dec i have not attended she say she have called me many times and sms. ,They will say that they have already called me , and send sms to confirm on appt. (what sms??) i received nothing !! mine was only a $500 package, and so she advise me somemore to go for the longer treatment to finish the last 2 sessions that i had,So i wont have to see her again and vice versa.

  17. 中差评是不可避免的,因为任何一个服务都无法十全十美的让所有客户满意。bad review or remark about beauty perfect stated here is something that we can't avoid in service line,because there no perfect services that can pleased everybody. We try our best to give good results for those customers that trusted and believe in us and thks for their support past two years.

    We would appreciate that those customers that faced unhappy issue regarding staffs services standard would kindly write in to us or call us at 9760 5195 before writing bad review here.
    Count ourselves unlucky to Have someone to create this page I apologize for those bad services I hope before anyone Have any bad reviews to kindly send us a private msg in our Facebook or call the above hp no.and let us know which staff that they are unhappy about so that we can try to improve on our service standard level.

    If not base on bad review here we won't know which staff or what issue we would be able to improve.

    Kindly appreciate for all valuable feedback for us to improve .

    1. Dear Mr Joseph Seah,
      I called the number you gave (97605195) but a lady answered and she said it is the wrong number. Can you give me the correct number please as I want to talk to you before I write the review as you requested.


  18. 中差评是不可避免的,因为任何一个服务都无法十全十美的让所有客户满意。bad review or remark about beauty perfect stated here is something that we can't avoid in service line,because there no perfect services that can pleased everybody. We try our best to give good results for those customers that trusted and believe in us and thks for their support past two years.

    We would appreciate that those customers that faced unhappy issue regarding staffs services standard would kindly write in to us or call us at 9760 5195 before writing bad review here.
    Count ourselves unlucky to Have someone to create this page I apologize for those bad services I hope before anyone Have any bad reviews to kindly send us a private msg in our Facebook or call the above hp no.and let us know which staff that they are unhappy about so that we can try to improve on our service standard level.

    If not base on bad review here we won't know which staff or what issue we would be able to improve. 

    Kindly appreciate for all valuable feedback for us to improve .

    1. To Joseph Seah

      Yes, I am fully aware that there is no perfect service to please everybody coz I'm in the service line too. I cannot please everybody but I always try to make their experience a good one as best as I could.

      However, on the topic of leaving and sharing bad comments and experiences here on an online blog open to all, you should really count yourself lucky that all these people here only left and share their bad experiences here rather than taking their case to court. After all you guys are still in operation so I guess no one did any thing of that sort yet.

      To really improve your service and staff standards, you should really read all those bad comments and experiences whether you like it or not. Coz that's the only way you can get actual feedback. Trust me, no one will call that number to give you guys feedback.

      And judging from the date of this post till now(still receiving bad reviews from strangers I do not know), I guess you guys have not made any improvements since then.......

      Do really take your time and go through all the bad reviews here and improve on it. Thanks.

    2. First of all i have read all review here and our intention is to have customers feedback to us directly as we will refund those voucher amount they pay instead of having so much trouble to go to case or small claim as it need so much time as well as need to pay admins fees that definitely cost more than the voucher costs.
      as we have a few staffs and the turn over rate was high as we beauyperfect management really take great efforts in improving our services to our customers.we need customers feedback to us on which staffs they unhappy so that during our weekly meeting we can improve and decide weather to send that staffs for training or to ask that staffs to leave.since her attitudes is not what we want.

      As are having very good products and highly effective machines that many celebrities and doctors is using but our price is so much better so definitely I would like more customers support and feedback,just like without customers support us that feedback to us about ur blog we won't know till now.

      And we assure that those feedback will be kept confidential and won't disclosed while we will keep our promise to refund customers the amount they pay on purchase the voucher.rather than they directly had bad reviews here we as management don't who which staffs are they referring so we can't investigate as pass two years we had changes a few staffs so we hope all customers that read these would directly feedback to us or we have our Facebook as well to send us private msg if we can't slove ur problem then your write here is still not too late.simply we want people to know we are trying our best to improve our service level to please everyone since we have alots of good and effective treatments we hope customers won't miss.

      As ur see all bad reviews here is with regarding our services but not our treatment so I hope people out there are able to give us a chance if really staffs issue is not a big issue as we are on going looking for good staffs to serve our customers.therefore I welcome all feedback and anyone that is good services to join me as in beauty perfect we had many highly effective treatment.thks

    3. What's wrong to give a review based on experience? There are thousand more websites out there giving consumers the platform to feedback. And many good service providers see it as added bonus mouth-to-mouth free advertisement!

      I feel Joseph not only failed to manage her own team, but blaming consumers for not reporting the case to her (if she cares so much about her services she should take initiative doing follow up with each and every clients), and then wasting the time complaining her ex-client negative feedbacks.

  19. I had the same problem. Too lazy to call or sms properly n want to blame n penalise customer. They have pathetic attitude like I can cut yr treatment time or 1 session anytime if u r late or last min need to cancel.
    They do not understand what is service line n will confirm close down v soon . condemned to the core n will never visit after I finished my vouchers. Think I stupid to buy more from you. Of course not as stupid as u!!
    I actually told them that I will not put myself down to quarrel with you. They called me back so many times to echo to me what I said. I told them I do not like to speak to parrots N I m not looking for a quarrel.
    The management showed a very bad example of what can be done n the employees followed treating customer the same way. Extremely Unprofessional.

    Real disgrace to singapore beauty association. Maybe I should also lodge a complain there. Plus we should feedback to all the vouchers company. .. super bad reputation.

    1. Hahahaha ya I seen a parrot cursing here using voucher term and conditions is if ur late treatment will be shorten because if not next customers will not be happy if they had to wait.last min call to cancel or no show mean one session being used is under all term and conditions of all vouchers as we had reserved the slot for you since the day you call and booked,mean we cannot slot in other customers,so we hope all customers purchase voucher used in different salon should be responsible to remember their own appointment and any changes should notices us 24hrs in advance so that that slot will not be wasted and can be given to other customers that needs it.
      So I think that is fair hope all customers understand I believe ur purchase voucher also dun like to heard fully booked till one mth later we also aim to let ur have an easiest slot so we need co -operations from everyone to be responsible w their appointment or treat their appointment seriously not made appointment with certain salon then call them for reminder they forget and want to change ,even I understand that now all voucher are selling very very cheap w very good deal after making appointment they shd remember their appointment and not treat it like nothing because on our end we value customers

  20. I bought a 3 session 'Japanese' eyelash extension package from Deals.Comsg. After my first time doing, my eyes were so swollen within an hour. I have to remove the lashes myself cos it is causing too much pain and the shop has already closed by then. Their service is very bad and unprofessional that they only told me after the whole session that they did not remove my existing lashes from another salon, but merely just add on. What is this service!! I can pay for removal if that's what is required but I was not even told prior to the service. I ended up with very swollen and painful eyes with no extensions now. With such an experience for the first session, what more the remaining 2 sessions?


    1. My gal did mention to you to pay removal of $10 if your lashes is done by other salon,you refuse to pay say is ok just continue so ur eye maybe swollen due to this reason,that you refuse to pay $10 for the removal,maybe you feel that the voucher you pay is only )$15 per session that why you not willing to top up )$10 for the removal this point we understand as many customers feel that way.
      The no reason my gal never advise you about the removal since is an extra income to our salon so I hope people that read this will think over it make sense a not.


    1. Irritated receptionist upon calling them to book an appointment (SHE SOUNDED LIKE I OWE HER MONEY AND I ONLY CALLED ONCE)
    2. Requested for more payment that is not stated in the voucher (I FEEL CHEATED)
    3. Manicure not done by professional because they screw up their schedule (I would say that the manicurist is friendly but she should not let her non-professional colleagues to do it)

    Overall, I did not enjoy myself and my manicure was ruin (with bubbles inside).

    1. Business really very hard recently when all customers pay for a peanut,but they expect to get back a packet of peanuts.i believe the more payment that you mention is $2 for a new pair of facial tissue as we are using disposal tissue for hygiene propose as we are not like other salon use sponge or recycle tissue that what other customers had used.
      The deal you pay is $10 for a gelish manicure w free 60mins oxygen facial is a very good treatment to refresh your skin,as it worth $98 why must because of a $2 facial tissue ruin our name,if you are not willing to pay this $2 you can get the gal to call me and I m willing to pay for you,how can you ruin our name like not fair for me.
      For ur info,you pay $10 for a gelish manicure plus facial we only take back $5 with this we are not even enough to cover our operational cost,but our intention is to give you good services and hope you can come back if u like our treatment result and become our loyal customers,you had to be fair w us,why you never feedback that the refresh facial is comfortable a not?this facial we giving you can check other salon selling how much easily 3digits.
      I really hope that all customers before posting bad remark or comment to think first before you write,and if really want to write pls write the positive as well not just negative remark.
      Is ridiculous $2 face tissue to ruin our name.

  22. I am a very free blog-hopper that just happened to follow this long thread of almost amusing discourse. I observe the trend of these enraged consumers often end with a emotion-driven appeal to the public "DONT GO/ BEWARE OF THIS BEAUTY SALON" or a "I WILL NEVER GO THERE AGAIN", thus i would similarly like to copy their trend and shoutout to readers "HOW BIG ARE YOUR BRAINS?" will you, having read so many negative feedback, be brainwashed and be led by the majority despite the loopholes in their argument? or would you follow the minority, putting aside your feelings of insecurity but view this controversy in a neutral perspective?
    I feel that what Joseph Seah (owner of this beauty salon (?) ) is saying do makes sense if you look at it from a third person perspective. Just because he is one of the few that is defending this salon, does not mean that his voice is irrelevant and readers should go with the crowd as a determinant of their choice. Most of the comments i have read are rants, fueled by anger or disappointment, backed by their own feelings as a source of evidence. Why dont they reflect and think about the big picture and LISTEN, NOT just HEAR all the words of the therapist? As a third person, i infer that they left out so much information because they did not want their argument to sound lacking.

    I cannot say for certain that their service is indeed slipshop because i have yet to have my treatments there, but from what i read from THE HATERS' comments, is that there is responsibility being inculcated in the staff, good system management and overall professional attitude.
    How many salons would provide a refund a follow through it? How many salons would call/text to confirm your appt? How many salons would care about your personal hygiene even though they know the extra costs would turn ppl away?

    But what i can warn the above commenters is that BEWARE(get my pun? ^-^) OF THE ONLINE DEFAMATION LAW. Just as how you are so die-hard insistent to lodge a complain against them, so is their eagerness to lodge a complain against you. An assertion or fact dressed up like an opinion is a defamation+ given the context of the big picture, most allegations are easily debunked.
    It is extremely obvious that harm and malice is intended against this salon, especially from the cry to ask OTHER consumers to avoid going there. and explicit statements admitting you do want to bring down their reputations.

    So after reading the above, will i be deterred to go to this salon, given the expanse of thought that can be inferred from the rants + the internalisation of the big picture from Joseph Seah ? My answer is no. If i was given a free voucher, would i go? Yes!

    Then, if you ask me, why is there none or almost very few positive comments? If you think about it, who would be more willing to initiate a comment? Someone who is driven by anger and thus determined to bring their signboard down, or one who has had a pleasant experience ?

    From what i googled, this salon has been active and progressing for close to 4 years. Why would a business persist if it is indeed as lousy as you said it was? and given the price you pay for voucher, it is not possible to not make a loss if their service is so bad that they have a small pool of consumers. They are able to even upgrade their machines and buy new ones to offer new treatments in their menu (e.g. Fat freeze which was introduced this year), do you know how much one machine costs?
    There are obviously many more people who share a contrasting view as what the hotbed of haters here hold, many more who did not get led by feelings, stood back and reflected on the worth.
    Are you going to be one of them?

  23. I am not a customer of Beauty Perfect yet but already felt the unprofessional service of the salon. In April, I saw their service on which indicated for first time user only. As I've patronized a few salon in Toa Payoh the last few years, I wasn't sure if I've been there before. I called the tel no. provided. Tried calling a few times before someone picked up after 4 hours. The phone rang a few times before bring routed (to a mobile phone perhaps). When the lady answered, I explained I've been to a few salons and asked her to check if they've records of my name. She said her salon was open less than 2 years ago, probably trying to pull a fast one to save the hassle of looking through her records. I told her if she can allow me to use the deal even if later she found out I've been there before, I'll proceed to buy the Deal. She was afraid of commiting and asked me for my Name & NRIC NO. She said she'll check and call me back. When I didn't hear from her 2 hours later, I called again. The lady said it was a weekend and her staff needed time to check.

    More than one month has passed, and there was no call or missed call from the shop. I called the number a few times and no one ever answered. I wonder if the shop has closed down. And I wonder if the piece of paper with my personal details written is still lying around somewhere. OMG!!

    To those who intend to buy their deals, use your own judgment. The above was what I've gone through.. Extremely unpleasant!

  24. wow!! after chancing upon this blog, I almost went ahead to buy the voucher from beauty perfect. definitely will not buy since out of 10 only 2 ppl were abe to give good reviews!

  25. I wish I read this before I buy their voucher on too. Totally regretted. Lousy service and pushy attitude! Is a 黑店.

  26. Totally terrible service and the boss was not at all apologetic even though her staff turned away customers. Screwed up system and they close their shop whenever they want to.

  27. I'm glad to chance upon this site before getting the deal.

  28. All the bad experiences above are true; try calling 92721978 (calls will be diverted to this mobile when mainline is busy or not answered) and be served with a really bad attitude as if you offended the lady who answered the phone, booking an appointment with her is a pain. For those who defended them and are neutral, try it out for yourself. Miaomiqueen, thanks for doing a good deed by warning us and to prevent other victims from falling into the same ordeal. There is no need to pay money and suffer with such bad service and attitude; all I wanted is to try the service and buy a package so that I can have a nice salon to go to for beauty treatments, every time I call to make an appointment, they manage to make me feel so lousy and sorry that I bought the vouchers, worst beauty salon experience ever in my lifetime. I rather waste my money than to face them...

  29. I had bought the voucher off ensogo, bought the 3 sessions that comes with a gel/gradient manicure and with a complimentary 60mins facial, i frequent tpy alot and thought since it was relatively or rather extremely cheap ($28 for 3 sessions with all the aforementioned) so i thought why not? As it was on a public holiday (Aug 7) when i called the mainline, it got diverted to a hp but there was no answer, i received a callback within 2 hours from a lady from the no 9272, the lady was rather friendly initially but on the later part, she started being a little sarcastic when i was exasperated trying to fix an appointment as it seems she doesnt have any available slots where i could do both the mani and the facial together (next 2 months full as proclaimed) and the deal stated expiry date was in Nov leaving me with little or no time to complete the sessions as the 3 sessions had to be utilised within 3 months, lady on the phone attempted to provocate me by saying "oh u sound very angry" "i got scared etc", maybe she couldnt tell e difference between a customers exasperation and frustration? Throughout the call i did not raise my voice or even spew a single profanity so unsure how she amazingly concluded that, alas, she told me she could only revert to me that saturday otherwise monday as its not a working day for her and thankfully she did came back to me on saturday as she had promised, managed to fix an appt for a nail this coming thurs and facial would pend (probably forgo if no available dates then since its one of the clauses in their fine prints too), will update again if their services are impeccable or as per the reviews above after my session coming thursday, though definitely not a good start but benefit of doubt would be given for now

  30. I bought my voucher off for jamu treatment. I was a bit concerned after seeing some bad reviews. However, I decided to give it a try. I made my first appointment easily and went for my 2nd session today. The sessions were good and effective. I encourage you to give it a try. If you encounter any problems, you can try approaching the boss, Pauline. I find her to be very helpful and willing to listen to feedback. Overall, my experience was good.


  31. I had just finished my session with them, initially i thought i would be late due to train delay and seeing e reviews of how the lady boss would make a fuss when ure late, i got alarmed and decided to msg her at the 9272 no, she was ok, not crude and informed not to be too late as she had an appt scheduled at 730pm, my appt was at 645pm, luckily i was only late by 2 mins, saw 3 ladies at the recept which one of them i presumed is e lady boss (judging from her whatsapp dp), proceeded for my nails as per the voucher, e room to do e nails was q cramp n small, understood from e lady doing my nails that the room was jus used purely for doin nails, do not expect those standard manicure parlours kind of environment, its jus a plastic chair and wooden table u be sittin on, e lady was rather meticulous when i mentioned to her once i would like e whole nail covered as some manicurists would leave e sides n tip blank, wont say she is a professional as i understand their main services are actually facial and body massage etc, nails are just value added service they provide to their customers, but her service was good n she was v pleasant as well, definitely not for v fussy people, so far all is good for price paid, will await for my next facial appt to conclude in succint

  32. Agree. They have really bad service. I bought the eyelash extension (3sessions) from them from Ensogo. When I reached, the staff told me that they will only put 20-30 strands of eyelash for each eye and not the full eye. They will do the full eye for me if I were to top up $50. Naturally I did not. Not only that, the lashes dropped off so fast. Today is only my second day with the lashes and I think more than half of them dropped already. Never buy from this shop.

    1. Well I hope all customers before writing review can 摸摸自己的良心before writing beauty perfect bad review here,those that had bought three sessions if after one session not happy with our services can can or message me at 9272-1798,we will let ensogo or which ever deal to refund u ur balance voucher price,don't be to write till like that,sign off as Anonymous and still so cruel and say Never buy from this shop,what right you have to have such remark is this the way on how ur bring up is,Cindy poon I still call u to explain the situation nicely yet you can write w such a feedback ,

    2. I know now the world is realistic most people pay $5-$10 in any online voucher but they expect to get $100 or move value of services in return they will start to complain or threathen to give bad review hopefully to get what they want.most people actually Mis understand the intention of buying voucher online they had really treat this as full treatment instead of threatment Tiral ,the above customer Cindy poon can tell me other shop she purchase online don't need top up but still do full lashes for her ,in my heart actually I asking myself if other shop was so good in services that do full for her even with voucher price like $10 without top up why she still never end up as a package customer of that shop and want to go around buying voucher online to try or used definitely the only reason is price different using voucher definitely save alots for mAny people that had used Tiral voucher as their regular usage.these people had misused the meaning of online cheap voucher.

  33. The intention of online voucher is just a Tiral for customers to try each salon services and commited to what they want after they try ,when customers used to pay first Tiral at $48-$68 now they only pay $5-$10 but now people like misused this when they need facial they will go buy online voucher and when they want slimming they won't commited to a salon they will buy 10-20 voucher online for different salon to try and hope they are able to lose 10-20 kg with those 20vouchers they bought at $200 assuming $10 each base on market rate now but they need to go 20 salon to do and try.instead of if 20treaent to be done at one salon at $1000 easily but people need to know the result they will get is definitely different.

    1. This is a free market, willing seller and willing buyer. The seller states the terms and conditions and the buyer agrees to them like for new customers etc. There is no condition that the buyer has to sign a subsequent package. If the seller wants to sell at $5 - $10, the buyer willingly pays that price so why complain that customers buy it so cheap? The buyer has the right to buy as many vouchers as she wants and go for as many trials as she wants as long as she buys the vouchers at the seller's asking price. It is not for you to criticize or form your own conclusion that people are 10-20 vouchers online for different salons. So what if they did? If you think the vouchers are too cheap then don't sell at that price., You offer, we buy. Period!! It is not your business to assume or accuse customers of buying many vouchers.

  34. $200 for 20vouchers at 20 salon definitely you won't see result because is a Tiral ,but 20 sessions in a same salon comfrim you will that the different ,hope all people understand this and before bad review given 摸摸自的良心,给人一条路。Cindy I told u yesterday if you not happy can ask for refund so that you can go buy from other salon that charge you $10 can do full for you according to what you mention yst.i don't want you to waste ur balance two session with us ,if ensogo don't allow ur request let me know I can return you,thks u

  35. DO NOT PATRONIZE Beauty Perfect! They are dishonest and extremely unprofessional. I bought a voucher which was to expire on September 26. I tried to make appointment 6 weeks before the expiry but was put on wait list. Finally, I was told no cancellation and I had no choice but to forfeit my voucher as it had expired. That was ok with me. But guess what? Beauty Perfect redeemed my voucher with!!! They did not even provide the service! When confronted, Pauline said that her staff redeemed áccidentally'. I leave you to decide if you believe her. Beauty Perfect has the practice of asking for the security code of the voucher when you make the appointment. Don't give them the code. They cannot be trusted. Íf you have not signed any package or dealt with them, DON'T.

    1. I think you had forgotten ur husband did make an appointment on .'No lah. He also can't make it tomorrow. That's why I asked you to do me a favour and register my voucher first. If not will expire'. This is from my WhatsApp sent on wed 2.23pm. My husbands appointment was on Thursday 6.30.this wAt you agree so upon making appointment we will need ur secret code and the gal will redeem when they free they only know which code already made appointment and won't know who and when is the appointment.usually no problem as if customers give 24hrs advance notice they are allow to change but for this case this customer made appointment one day before the expired date and I did alert her is very Ricky as the last day of expired date is not a comfrim appointment but is waiting list she reply is ok as she busy so up to other customers to judge。

  36. If I read the blog before purchase the coupon from Ensogo that will be good! But I was a victim like most of you all! service is bad. Massage is too rough and hard and facial is not good. One word to say: not worth! Don't misled by $10 for 1session instead of $180 and 3sessions for $28 instead of $540. The marketing is a bit too exaggerated! Wake up they can do sales pitch while you were lying down during masage session!!! They, means more than one will come to take naval candling and keep asking you to try their detoxification service !!!

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  39. Wow from June 30 2013 to October 19 2015, people are still giving bad reviews about this place. Been 2 years and service has not improved. What can u say. The truth speaks for itself. No point to argue.

  40. Thank you for sharing your experience.It is quite sad that your experience went bad.
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