Wednesday, May 16, 2012

29/04/2012 - Company Trip To Universal Studios Singapore!!!


Universal Studios Singapore round 2!!!!!!!!!!

This time with the company!!!!!!!!!

Had an effing great time with my buddies all deck out in bright neon colours(there was actually a colour theme of the day which was blue but blue=boring and moreover it was decided by my enemy-at-work and happens to be her favourite colour, so we just don't give a bloody damn and stick to our bright neon colours which we already decided upon like weeks ago..... So enemy-at work, you can go eff yourself with the blue for all I care coz I don't give a F***........) , taking all the crazy rides, screaming at the top of our lungs and taking shit loads of photos!!!!!

Crazy amount of photos coming up!!!

Everyone of us took turns and took pictures with our favourite boss!!! Dr WKM.........

Just got hit by a mini tsunami on the Jurassic Park Rapid Adventure ride!!!!

Chris Teo and I got all drenched!!! But he was the worst.......

Had a blast!!!

More updates coming!!!

Signing off.......

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