Friday, August 27, 2010

Exciting Updates and Events!!!

Hi all!! I'm truly sorry that I haven been updating my blog for the longest time ever!! Updates and happenings were dated all the way from the beginning of August as you'll see later...... 

All I can say is that August has been a really happening month compare to July coz there's National Day, gathering with some friends and my most excited event would be his convocation!! So excited and proud and lucky to be able to attend his graduation ceremony as he only managed to get an extra ticket only last minute!! Wooo!!

As usual, nagging long post with ton loads of pictures...... Be warned......

National Day Parade

I shall let the pictures do all the talking......

Installing my vespa box day!!

My long awaited day has finally came......


After!! Tada!!
So happy that I finally got my box!! Life would be much more convenient for me!! I wont have to get my bags wet anymore if it rains and I'll have some room for my shopping bags!! Super Happy!!

Disgusting sight outside scotts road open concept macdonald......

We just wanted to rest our feet and have a drink. Little did we know we're going to witness something really disgusting......
We were just sipping our drinks and talking when I noticed something from the corners of my eyes. I am very sensitive to these kind of movements coz I'm afraid of cockroaches/lizards etc therefore I'm always very alert of these kind of small movements. And I nearly freaked out when I saw this......

Yes!! It was a damn bloody rat!! It dashed across and went under the air-condition compressor...... And that particular macdonald outlet has an A cert for their cleaniness...... WTF!!

After a while......

That same rat dashing out again and this time it has something which resembles like a french fry to me in its mouth!! FREAK OUT TO THE MAX!!! So damn disgusting can!! And that rat, either its too hungry or it has an entire family to feed, did that for at least 5 times!! God knows how many times tat rat went back for its buffet meal after we left......

Gathering with friends......

1st stop we had dinner at holland v at a nice new restaurant called EWF a.k.a Everything With Fries!! You'll have a choice of skinny or straight cut fries in various flavours like curry, salt and vinegar, garlic and herbs with any of their main courses......

My burger with garlic and herbs straight cut fries!! The buns are so flavourful that I can just eat that alone and the beef is so juicy!! Yummeh!! Definitely going back for more!!

And those are skinny salt and vinegar fries...... A little too salty for me thou but it taste excatly like those salt and vinegar chips!!

After dinner we decided to stop over geylang for some durian!!

Since its saturday and the night's still early, we headed to MBS for some sight seeing...... Lolz......

Yay!! Finally got a shot of the Helix bridge in night time when its lit!!

The YOG gigantic burning torch...... Yeah the YOG has already ended when i'm writing/posting this......

Having some fun and doing some cam whoring......

Some other random stuffs......

Green tea kit kat from Japan!! D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S.

I simply love this huge 21.5" LED full HD display...... The colour is just so vibrant and nice to look at!! I'm so glad I chose this amongst so many others at the PC fair...... Another exciting news!! The PC/IT Fair is coming soon!! This piece of news confirm updated ok......

SIM - RMIT University Degree Conferment & Awards Ceremony 26 August 2010

His and mine long awaited day has finallllyyy came. So excited!!

Lots of harry potters on stage wahahaha......

Harry potter #1

Harry potter #2

Harry potter #3 told a very interesting story about heaven and hell...... She's also member of parliment.

Harry potter #4

All graduates stood up...... And there's harry potter #5 on the wall screen......

Ok just to be fair, here's a better shot of harry potter #5......

Harry potter #6

Spotted my good friend claire too!! Congrats girl!! 1 more picture coming up later!!

2 of his best buddies of 12 years, Zul and Dave came down and share the joy...... So nice of them to come down ^_^

Zul and Kennie

Kennie and Dave

With family and friends

With me!! WAHAHAHA!!

We are so proud of you!!

With his dad and mom

With his aunt who is always there for everyone......

After all the hardships and sacrifices, this is worth it......


This super cute teddy donning the same gown lolz!!

Lolz!! Even though I didn't study much but still I'll always get the chance to put on the motar!! 


The cute girl in the middle is the top student of the course!! WOW!!

My bestie from secondary school!! Congrats to you my dear!!

August is really both tiring and happening!! LOVES!!

Signing off......

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