Saturday, August 7, 2010

Overdued Update!!!

I'm not sure if its me busy with work or just plain lazy!! My hectic work just made me lazy to blog and all I want to do when I get home from work everyday is to be a couch potato...... Really very tired to even lift a finger to do anything...... And I'm surprise my body hasn't break down...... yet...... 

This update is gonna date wayyy back to maybe around 3 weeks ago?? Probably...... 


So 1 fine saturday around 3 weeks ago after my full shift work(sat still work full shift, sad right!), he suggested going to his aunt's place for dinner. So while waiting for him to pick me up in his aunt's car, I decided to cam whore in the toilet(the only place where there's no one else so I can cam whore all I want lolz).

Warning!! Picture overload!! (You may scroll down quickly if you cant stand my narcissism)

I decided to change my straight fringe back to side swept coz of my job and riding...... I figure its more forgiving to miss a session of trimming for side swept fringe than straight fringe. 
Coz the straight fringe would try to take revenge on you by poking at your eye all the time if you missed giving it a trim. And its so freaking painful whenever I ride that I always conscientiously swept my fringe to 1 side before I put on my helmet...... So might as well change it back to side fringe, back to where I started...... 

Ok back to the pictures......

And so after around 25 mins my driver finally arrived, so now let's hop onto the car!!

As you know, saturdays are the NDP rehersal day so roads have been blocked up and we had to make a detour everytime we needed to go from orchard to suntec/marina square area...... But we'll gonna have an eye-opening sight later on which is......

The line of army vehicles was actually very long and I took a video of it instead of getting blurry pictures all the way but I don't think I'll put the video up here coz there's a lot of weird talking going on in the video...... Hmmm...... I might start to post vlogs in my blog in the near future coz I think its going to be lots of fun filming and talking to you guys face on instead of just seeing still life pictures...... Let me know if you guys want videos to be included!!

Some random pictures I took in the car......

My domo love......

So much for the 3 saturdays ago, now for last last saturday's going ons......

Same thing after work(half day), we headed for some shopping but we had to makan 1st.

At ION basement......

I just have to show you guys how huge this egg/egg yolk is!!

Getting some new frames!! So excited!! Will be due for collection in 1 weeks time!!

Shall I get sunglasses as well??

Soon it's dinner time at......

The famous to-die-for chocolate cupcakes!! YUMS!!

Finally digging into the yummlicious cupcake!!

My shopping hauls for the day......

This, my new colleague tempted me to get!! It was on 50% off!!

Moving on to my most recent updates which was last saturday(finally)......

Went to Grassroots Club for a Gucci/Coach/Longchamp/Kate Spade bag sale. In some forum, it says the event starts at 10am but when reached there around 10.15am and the queue is already sooooo long that we couldn't see the end of it!! In the end we got to go in after like 45mins of waiting and its really a madhouse inside...... 

People are grabbing bags like no tomorrow, tossing those they didn't want into the "unwanted" pile, ladies pushing and shoving, husbands/boyfriends standing around, people hogging space in front of the tables "inspecting" their finds, hands reaching out from behind you and grabbed something and forcefully pulling it out, sale crew yelling at the top of their voices saying grab while stock last and other stuff you can imagine from a typical sale scenario......

And I don't even want to describe how freaking long the checking out queue was as well!! It was so damn long that they had to open up another room(with chairs for customers/husbands/boyfriends to rest on while in the never moving queue) just for checking out...... So all in all, plus the waiting time to go in and paying, we spent like 5 hrs there and by the time we got out of there its already wayyy past lunch time. So we decided to go to the nearest shopping mall(amk hub) for our lunch and coz both of us was so damn hungry we settled for some steamboat buffet!!

So here's my bag haul for the day......

The 2 purple envelopes are actually free face spa/slimming/cellulite therapy vouchers with any purchase.

Moving on......

Just 3 days ago, I went to thefaceshop, wanted to just browse around but in the end I came out from the shop with these......

Its just so cool that they have a sharpener attached at the bottom!!

 Finally last saturday(again) after my work(full shift again), we headed to The Cathay to have our dinner at Astons. Just a sudden craving on his part, so as usual the queue outside Astons was like 50m long and we waited around 30mins before we were seated......

OK...... Finally finally!! On 8/8 was our 3rd yr anniversary so we went shopping during the day and had buffet dinner( it was our custom to have buffet dinners on our anni).

First stop to ION to collect my new frames!! SO EXCITED!!

Dinner starts at 6.30pm but we were so hungry and tired from from all the walking and (window)shopping that we headed over there at 6 to rest our legs and just do some cam whoring lolz!!

The crazy line and crowd when 6.30pm strikes...... The line moved pretty fast thou so no complaints about that......

And soon dinner is served(or rather self-served)......

I guess I was being greedy (coz the food is sooo good!!) and ending up eating way too much that my stomach can handle and I felt awful after that and at 1 point I think i'm going to throw up...... Seriously I have learnt my lesson...... Not to be a greedy pig......

Wow I cant believe this post is finally done. Super duper long nagging post. Took me 2 days to complete this "project". Dark circles certainly very visible. Hope your fingers don't ache from the never ending scrolling of the mouse. Yeah that's all folks!!

Signing off FINALLY......

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