Tuesday, July 27, 2010

23/7/10 - Bike Servicing Day (and other random stuffs......)

I was supposed to service my bike once my mileage reach 1000km, but it kinda overshot to approx 1300km before I had the time to go for the servicing...... Basically all I had to do(or rather the mechanic) was to change the engine oil and test the brake or something...... And my next servicing will due when my lambchop clock 3000km which is still a long way to go...... I believe I'll still overshot like this time coz the servicing place is so out of the way and far from both my house and workplace...... 

Talking about that(here comes my ranting), they still own me my vespa box lor!! Waited so damn long for it already(almost 2 months)!! I've called up my bike shop as well as Piaggio so many times to rush them for it but still!! Once I called Piaggio and enquire about the box, the lady on the phone said that new items shipment will come end of july but they don't know what will be in the shipment. I was like WTF!! U mean that everytime shipment from Italy comes in, you'll all be like little children waiting for Santa Clause's presents?? Either the Piaggio people are dumb F**Ks whom suffer from amnesia, apparently forgotten what they have ordered from Italy or the Italians likes to play Santa by dropping off "presents" to the dealers. Come on lor!! Can both parties wake up your ideas!! Oh I almost forgot to mention!! My bike shop owner said that this have always been the situation for the past 10 years. Like for example, they would ship 10 RED vespas today and then on another different shipment they would send 10 BLACK boxes...... OMFG!! What the F are the Italians doing!! Seriously!! My eyes nearly pop out and jaws nearly scraped the floor when I heard that from the boss...... Enough said lar...... The boss of the bike shop already promised my box by the end of THIS month JULY and if I dun get it, THEY WILL GET IT...... RAAAWWWWRRR!! Goodness, I can feel my blood boiling as I write this post man!! Better stop ranting and get on with the pictures......

Servicing in the process......

Preparing to drain the engine oil......

All the engine oil drained out...... Seems little...... Not as disgusting as I imagined like those super thick kind......

My front disc brake with the suspension peeking through...... Ahem...... Do I sound like some bike junkie?? LOLZ!!

Got a new full face helmet from motoworld. They're now having this promotion where you trade in any old helmet of any design and get $50 off their selected full or open face helmets!! I got mine for $100 after the $50 off and they have this particular model/design in black as well. But I chose white cause its more noticeable on the roads in both day n night time and I had black helmets all my life so I decided to try a new colour!!

After doing up my bike, it's lunch time at marina square, JustAsia......

All the set main courses comes with free flow of soft drinks, coffee, tea and...... ICE CREAM!! I lovveee eating at JustAsia coz the food is really nice and affordable and I get to stuff my face with free flow of ice cream!! Wahahaha......

Here comes the best part of the meal...... Deserts!! My favourite ice cream!! Wahaha!! These are actually japanese soft serve. Its a mix between chocolate and vanilla. Simply yums!!

More ice cream please!! It was a coincidence that my ice cream looks like traffic lights lolz......

After lunch, we headed to Suntec to do my favourite activity to try to burn off some calories from the meal......


 Got them at a sale that was going on(not sure if the sale is still on) @ $29!! What a steal!!

I actually bought 2 tops from Zara that day too but I didn't take any pictures of them. I'll mention that when I wear it in the pictures of my future post(s)......

Till then again!! Ciao!!

Signing off......

Just wanna share this beautiful display of the sunset from my window with you guys......

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

So Stupid Of Me!!

My goodness!! I guess I was too excited that in my previous post about the presents, I actually forgotten to include the stuff my sis got for me in Taiwan!!

ROFL!! MY GOODNESS WHAT WAS I THINKING!! I guess I'm too tired from work??(excuses, excuses, excuses......)

Ok, let's quickly jump into the topic for today's post......

Taiwan goodies!! (Not a lot actually; Will go Taiwan 1 day I promise to myself...... But god knows when......)

The moment my sis saw this, she immediately got it without second thoughts coz it just screams: "ME!!"(referring to yours truly over here...) That's according to what she told me lar! 

Its just very me, like my second skin coz, 1) I own a freaking vespa and 2) I told her to help me look out for tops that suits me. I lovvvve it!!

LOLZ!! Got this super cute Domokun mask!! LOVE IT x infinity!! LOLZZZ!! Not sure if I'm game enough to actually wear this thing when I'm riding...... That will be super super cute!! 

And also at the same time I'll also gather lotsa weird stares from fellow road users...... I think people will think I'm crazy wahahahaha...... But in Taiwan, most bikers put on mask like nobody's business thou......

Next up......

Hahaha, didn't I mentioned my love for Domokun...... This pair of Domo keychain was also in my To-Buy list for my sis!! You guys must be wondering: " Siao! This can also be purchased in singapore what!!" BUT...... I have really searched for the longest time in sg but always in vain to find the perfect size/shape of this particular kind of keychain.  

P/S: If you guys saw this anywhere in SG, kindly leave a comment and let me know!! TIA!! 

Right!! That's all for the stuffs from Taiwan!! Its not a lot coz my sis is actually there for business not pleasure. And now i'm sure everything's in and I have not left anything out this time...... Till next time!! 

Signing off......

Sunday, July 18, 2010

My Presents from Taiwan!!

Long time no see!!

Finally my sis came back from her Taiwan work trip and I'm so looking forward to the presents that I'm gonna get plus some of the things I wanted her to help me get at the airport DFS!! I even wrote down a To-Buy list for her wahahahaha......

First off I'm gonna show you guys the things that were bought at the DFS. I'm so so so damn excited when I knew she managed to get those things I wanted!! I almost went crazy when I saw the 2 small black boxes!! And its M.A.C!! 

I've always wanted to try M.A.C's products after hearing so much raves about them and really didn't know what to get (coz actually I want them all), so I decided to get a single-everyday-wearable colour. And it looks like its about to blend into my tabletop colour lolz!!

In the next tiny black box is also something I'm eyeing for the longest time coz i've been watching all these youtube beauty videos that it somehow sucked me into wanting to get it too!!

And the other thing I got from mac is the disc sponges. Coz I'm using their studio fix powder + foundation so I think I need a couple more of their sponges in case when I wash them I'll still have backup sponges to use.

Ok so besides mac, I also got Revlon's ColorStay 12 Hour Eye Shadow which I know is selling at all watsons and etc but its sooo ex and I think its like 20 plus?? But I got this at $13.60 so its a steal......

I'm so so excited and cant wait to try them all out!!

Signing off......

Thursday, July 8, 2010

An Update......


So sorry for the lack of new post recently!! Was so busy since the start of this week as I'm once again in a new workplace, so there are much to adjust to...... 

I know it sounds crazy, but since mon,(my 1st day @ my new workplace) I have NOT been knocking off on time!! Everyday I got to at least stay back/OT for 30 mins to 1 freaking hour!! 

And everyday is like warrrrrrr...... So damn busy, so freaking tireddddddd that I just want to faint there on the spot......

 Gosh, fri is gonna be another madhouse day...... Shitty...... So the only time that I can actually sit down to write a long and decent post is only on sunday...... SO SAD!! But anyways, I'll try to do simliar "update" post whenever you guys see that I've been MIA-ing for sometime. 

Hopefully I'll still have some sort of life outside work, cause work has been draining the shit out of me...... But think of the positive side, busy is actually a good thing, cause it means the clinic is doing well and I hope that my year end bonus would be fat!! WAHAHAHA!!

Ok enough of my rambling...... Till we meet again!! Tata!!

Signing off......

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Laksa And Cold Rock Ice Creamery ; Ya Kun Toast And Kobayashi ; Hanabi Japanese Buffet Restaurant......

Went to Holland V 3 days ago for some mouth-watering laksa!! *Slurps!!*

Wah~~~ The chilli, the cockles, the aromatic laksa gravy...... Just talking about it I'm starting to crave for it again!!

After dinner we were just walking about to help digest our yummy laksa and we decided to have some deserts so we went to......

When we went in the shop is empty so we had the luxury of choosing to sit at the table with swings as chairs and they only have 1 such table and it's at the far end corner of the shop.

Left: White Chocolate and Chocolate Chip mix with mars bar only  
Right: Strawberry and Cookies & Cream mix with Crunchie and Peanut M&Ms

Camwhore a bit while having the yummylicious ice cream hehe......

Next up!!

Went to orchard on thursday 'cause Zara got sale!! Haha...... Had Ya Kun for breakfast......

After breakfast, we chiong all the Zara outlets in orchard ; 1st stop at 313 then Taka then ION then Liat Towers. Then we had late lunch at FEP due to the crazy shop hop. But I'm so hungry I just stuffed my face with my gong bao ji ding without taking any pictures!! So sad lor!!  
We loitered at FEP for a while before deciding to catch IP MAN the Legend at cineleisure. Before the movie we took a quick dinner at Kobayashi......

Both were humbly delicious~~~

And then the next day(Gosh!! Are we on a rampage or something?!?), we went to this Hanabi japanese restaurant along Bukit Timah road for some ala-carte japanese buffet!! So excited thinking about all the salmon sashimi I'm gonna stuff my face with!!

This small empty table will soon be full of yummehs......

Camwhore a bit first before we start chomping away 'cause we'll be too busy to take pictures later lolz......

The main star of the show~~~ Mixed sashimi platter with extra servings of salmon!!

Agedashi tofu~~~

Shiitake Mushrooms~~~

Salmon Teriyaki!! Two thumbs up definitely!!

Cold noodles~~~

Ebi Tempura with mixed vegetables~~~

Deep fried baby octopus~~~

We decide to go into half-time from all the chomping action......

More salmon sashimi please......

This is a must-try dish!! Beef with kimuchi!! Two thumbs and two toes up!!

Grilled Saba fish with teriyaki sauce~~~ We had 2 plates of this 'cause we couldn't get enough if it!!

Happy and contended!!

Signing off......