Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Massive Accumulation of Events (Part 1).......

This is one massive post with mad loads of pictures...... Because its such a freaking long post, I'm actually going to make this a 2 parter...... Without further ado, I shall get right into it......

Sometime early October......

Went to The Sail @ marina bay

This building is insanely high!! I'm already staying at 21st storey but this building is 69 storey high!! O.M.G. And the lift just shoots right up to the 43rd storey in less than a minute!!

Into the apartment we go......

Greeted by the kitchen when we 1st enter......

The view of the living room from the entrance......

Fascinating night view......

Master Bedroom......

Room 2......

Check out the beautiful view peeking through the curtains......

Bathroom 2......

The view from 43rd storey......

Pardon the image quality...... My camera does not perform as well during the night......

10/10/10 - Company trip to desaru!!

First stop, breakfast!!

We just can't stop camwhoring......

Standing beside my boss...... So shy......

Off to our first stop of the trip!!

The chocolate factory!!

Chocolates for special occasions......

Didn't get anything so I ended up starting some camwhoring with my colleagues!!

Abby - Fellow DSA

Jacky - Lab Technician

Roland - Lab Technician & Pooi Yan - Accountant

My Boss / Clinic Director - Dr Wong Keng Mun (I think he tries to strangle me coz I made so many mistakes while assisting him...... JOKE LAR!!!!)

Next moving on to the next location...... On the coach......

Pooi Yan & Joan - My boss's PA & some other people in the background......

Because the journey to the next location is rather long, we played a game on the coach; game rules exactly like musical chairs just that we have 2 beach ball to pass down the roll with music playing and whoever has the ball in their hands when the music stops will have to do a forfeit.

In the end, I am so "lucky" to have the ball with me so I ended up doing a macarena dance with another colleague......

UNGLAM PICTURE!!! I shall not upload anymore of my goofy pictures......

The game went on for another round and this time the forfeit was to feed each other with bananas while being blindfolded......

He didn't even peel the banana lar!! Everyone laughed like mad lor!!

Ya lar!! Must peel first mah......

Ok try again......

Oops you missed!! It landed on her face!! Damn funny!!

Everyone was so tired laughing so hard!!

And so, we reach our next destination...... A museum......

Group photo time!!

Janice - Receptionist

Our boss / doctor call us (Fazlin - Fellow DSA and I) his "Charlie's Angels"

Its lunch time at the fruit farm......

Was hungry and busy eating so I didn't take much photos but there was more food and of coz the fresh fruits!!

Saw this poor duck with a piece of paper stuck to its neck which it tried to shake it off several times but fails to get rid of it......

And his friends din even bother to help him with it; just swimming around minding their own business......

After lunch, we had to shed off the calories so we took a walk into the farm......

This farm uses all natural fertilisers...... This explains why people are covering theirs nose......

The dragon fruit flower......

These jackfruits are HUUGGGEEEE...... They are not ripe yet thou......

Janice & Marilyn - Both receptionist

Banana tree......

Lemon grass flower...... Smells amazing......

Feeding the koi fishes......

With Cynthia - Clinic Manager

In parts of the fruit farm, nets were set up to trap predators from their plants and fruits......
The following pictures might be gross to some...... Not for the faint hearted......

I guess that bird accidentally flew into the net...... And that beetle??? How the hell did it end up there??

Ok, enough of the gross stuff...... Next up we visited their mini zoo......

I just feel that the orange sign is so redundant......

I admire that drangonfly's courage......


With Fazlin & Shidah - Both fellow DSAs

Next stop, we headed to the ostrich farm!!

Is this Emu??


Had dinner at around 4+...... The reason? To avoid the jam back to singapore...... In the end we are still stuck at traffic coz of 2 bloody road blocks!! 

On the long coach journey back to singapore......

End of part 1......

Part 2 coming your way soon......

Signing off......

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