Friday, November 26, 2010

Wandering Into The Wilderness......


We decided to spend Hari Raya Haji by doing something different, something physical and away from all civilization......

We decided to conquer the Tree Top Walk!!

We've talked about going to the Tree Top Walk wayyy too many times but we never get around to actually doing it. So on 16/11 we agreed that if the weather is good the next day(which is a PH), we'll definitely go. 

So came 17th...... The moment I open my eyes from my dream land, I was so happy to see sunshine outside the window!! Kinda excited about the outing finally came true!! But we only met up around 2.30pm(coz he had to work, so sad right) and by the time the weather had already turn gloomy...... But we went ahead anyway coz we've been looking forward to going there for so long...... When we reached, the weather remained gloomy but still workable so we began our "advanture"

Before we wander into the forest, we were greeted by......

Wild monkeys!! They look different from those monkeys we see at the zoo......

The little ones......

p/s: I had to zoom real far to capture the little ones...... And all I had was my trusty pro digital cam. No need to worry about lugging many different lenses and equipments and changing into different lenses for zooming purposes......
(Still sore about that DSLR photographer who took the photo using my camera without knowing how to zoom in my previous post =(  )

Moving on......

The path leading into the long trail to the Tree Top...... The grass and the ground was wet when we arrived. Guessed it rained before we came......

This place looks like some villiage outskirts...... Didn't know such a place still exists in urbanised singapore...... Meanwhile, the wind was getting slightly stronger and some dark clouds were gathering......

Nope this was not taken on the bridge...... Sad story coming up...... By this time, we could feel some occasional raindrops...... Sianz max......

The wooden boarded walkway looks promising as we proceed and according to the map it SHOULD lead us to the bridge BUT we were not allowed access to the bridge by this way because that freaking bridge is a ONE-WAY bridge!! 

Because the design and structure of the bridge is too narrow, they only allow visitors to ONLY cross the bridge from the ranger station direction, which we have to walk all the way back to the pavilion (4 pictures above) from this point where the above picture is taken, which will take us 15mins(fast pace)...... 

Never mind about the fact that from the starting point where the monkeys appear to here already took us 45 mins of trekking on uneven terrain, we have to make a U-turn and walk back really is the last straw......

Now to add oil to our rising temperature, it starts to drizzle...... Great...... All moods were drenched, I kept my camera and from here no more footage of the trail...... So we hurried back to the ranger station to double check on the map the exact location of the bridge we figure we had to walk another 15-20mins and the drizzle wasn't getting lighter, I suggested we get out of the place instead of seeking shelter at the ranger station. Who knows when the drizzle is going to stop and the sky was getting darker. 

When we walked out, which took us another 15-20mins the freaking drizzle turned into a pouring rain minus the thunder and lightning and we had to take shelter under a make shift umbrella just outside Singapore Island Country Club...... Soon more people stranded with us under the umbrella and we waited around 15 mins for the rain to become smaller and we walked on the road all the way until we reached our bike which again we walked for another 20mins......

We later on headed to Thomson Plaza for dinner......

Great workout for me...... I think I lost some weight due to all that walking!! The next day, I could feel my legs aching...... Serious!! But thinking back it was a really fun kind of exercise coz I get to immerse myself in nature, breathing in fresh oxygen produced by the surrounding trees. 

Since we didn't get to go on the bridge this time round, we decide to conquer the bridge another time and that time we definitely wont take the wrong route...... 

Signing off......

I miss my girls...... Picture taken at a friend's wedding ^_^

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