Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 - New Year Resolution........

With the Year 2011 swishing past us, we are now ready to welcome a brand new Year 2012!!

I don't typically set new year resolutions for myself but this year I'll try to challenge myself with these........

1.  Save more money......
I need to curb myself from online shopping!! Main culprit!! Special occasion only please!!
2. Sleep early!! Latest by 12am......

Hmmm...... I guess I'll have to amend my timing to 11pm..... NOT!! Let's just stick to 12am......

3. Lose some of that fat ass........

No matter how hard I try, I can never be anorexic coz I simply love good food too much....... Slurp Slurp!! Where's my Garrett??!!

4.  Drink more H2O........

Wow super motivated now!! Anything for better health!!

I guess that will be all for now....... Don't wanna get too carried away and end up not achieving any of those.........

Signing off........

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