Saturday, June 26, 2010

25/06/2010 - A Visit To The Shoppes At Marina Bay Sands

Warning: The following blog post is picture heavy so if you prefer to read words, please proceed to or Wikipedia. Thank you and enjoy......

The journey to marina bay sands was a long but scenic one. The weather was pretty good with occasional wind and the sun today was favorably blocked by the cloudy sky. So it wasn't so torturing to walk from marina square.

And the first thing that welcomed us was......

Strolling through the Youth Olympic Park, you'll be able to see the much talk-about bridge which links to the marina bay sands......

Welcome to the Helix bridge!! The Helix would transform into the most enchanting sight at night but too bad I went in the day...... In order not to disappoint, I shall search for the night time pictures of the bridge in

Wow so tempting!! Makes me wanna go back for more pictures during the night time when the bridge is fully illuminated!!

And now, back to day time...... 

Haha it feels weird but at the same time amusing to be a tourist IN Singapore!!

The floating platform where 1 of the YOG sports - cycling is going to be held......

Zooming in on the hotel skypark......

Bam!! I loooveeee my camera's freaking powerful zoom!!

Moving on......

This was set up in the direction going towards marina square/town. No, not towards the marina bay sands.

New road signs......

Nice taxi stand......

The Shoppes is HUGEEEEEE......

It also housed the Sands Expo Halls...... Cool~~

Check out this KL Shopping Centre inspired river boat thingy!!

The boats will reach this U turn point at the end and then back to the starting point. This ride is 15mins long(or probably short for others), and it charges $5 for each person regardless adult or child. Pretty affordable for a 1 time experience though......

I'll let you in on something interesting regarding that hemispheric thing on the ceiling soon......

And now the most talked about casino......

This picture is the entrance of the casino but its a bit blurry because I didn't know if I'm allowed to take picture of the casino and I didn't dare to take another clearer picture for fear that those "bouncers" might confront me =X

Moving on......
Escalator/Lift leading up to the hotels......  

Welcome to the marina bay sands hotels!!

Nice band playing at the Fuse......

The restaurant below 1 of the hotel towers......

That's all for the hotel...... They actually opened the skypark for public at $20 per person but we gave it a miss when we saw the never ending queue......

Remember the hemispheric thingy mentioned earlier??

We found out something interesting about it. That is if u talk into this thing, your voice travels around this thing and could actually be heard from the direct opposite!! 

So if you don't want anybody to hear what you are talking about, try to speak softly around this thing or do the opposite if you wanna have some fun disturbing other people!! XP

Ok I shall not be rude as to keep calling it this thing this thing. Its actually a......

As we are just hanging around the rain oculus, something spectacular happened......

Water came gushing out from each of the little ports all round!! And soon the water starts to fill up!!

I'm not sure why but the water looks kinda dirty to me thou...... But whatever, it amazes me nevertheless......

This whirlpool thingy lasted around 5~7 minutes I  think...... 

Behind or in front of the rain oculus depending where you are standing(I was facing the door of The Shoppes), was this marvellous view of the Singapore River......

And now, to test and push the limit of my camera's zoom......

Here's the original pic...... I'm going to zoom in on the Merlion in the middle of the pic.

Zooming in...... Still within the optical zoom.

Reached the limit and its in digital zoom. Still clear as the bus number behind was captured as well. Freaking awesome and I'm truly impressed!!

At last its time to leave this place as it was not fully operational yet.

The Singapore Flyer.

Soon we're back at marina square and feeling so damn hungry!! So we had Sakae Sushi for dinner!! Simply yums......

OK!! So much for this super doper never ending long post...... It took me like 2 days to upload all the pics and posting this up!!

Signing off......

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