Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fun With My New Desktop Webcam!!

Ok before we jump into all the 1000 pictures, I want to rant about all the shitty problems that my last desktop imposed on me. 

Never mind that it was huge and taking alot of space and the CPU making a lot of noise when it's running(all I could live with), but the bloody CD drive became paralysed since god knows when and the most crazy and irritating thing it did was to show a bloody blue screen with MS DOS words on it and it would auto restart my com when I'm in the middle of talking to my friends on msn/watching YouTube videos/doing my online shopping etc. Basically doing some important stuffs and you don't want your computer to hang up on you. And usually the blue screen would only pop up for a spilt second and my com auto restarts. What pisses me to the max is that the blue screen would pop up so damn frequent that I had to switch to using another PC!! RAWRRRRRRRR

So 1 fine day my old desktop decided to test my patience to the ultimate level. My good friend, the blue screen shows up again but this time it decided to stay and hang out with me!! It just stayed on the monitor for the longest time ever without auto restarting my com like it would normally did. So I'm like staring at my blue monitor from >=(   ------>  O.O   ------>   -_-'''

It was simply the last straw!! I've got to get a new desktop!! Ok back to the unfortunate situation...... I had to push the on/off button on the CPU to restart my com. But before I did that, I decided to take a picture of my good friend.

Beginning dump of physical memory!?! I DUMP YOU FIRST AH!!! 

I was so lucky as the PC fair at Suntec Convention halls was also going on(this happened weeks ago) so I decided to go check out potential PC/Laptops to replace this @#$%& problematic computer...... I went there on Thursday with my mom and sis which was the first day and there are already so freaking many people!! So as we're browsing through the whole place I was actually torn between getting a laptop or desktop. And I eventually got myself a desktop simply because I wouldn't need the mobility of a laptop as I only would use the computer at home and I was lazy to luge the laptop wherever I go. 

I would simply just skip all the com's features and if you wanna know just google it and I'm sure tons of information is going to jump in your face.

I got the Lenovo A3 series, and its the all-in-one desktop PC.

Nice huge monitor. Great for watching my korean dramas wahahaha......

It came with a wireless keyboard and mouse. Very cool...... I don't think they have any colours other than white for this particular A3 series desktop. And the white makes it looked so Mac-ish lolz......

The keyboard and mouse can be tucked away on the base of the monitor and thus creating more space!! And the monitor is so slim, clear and bright I cannot describe how much I love it!!

Ok back to my title topic(almost got carried away!!) haha...... Yup the webcam that amazes and amuses me a lot...... Ok now here's some 1000 pictures that's gonna lag your com/iPhone/HTC/laptop or whatever you're using to view my blog......


MiaomiQueen!! Haha this crown certainly comes in handy!!

Haha the fish eye effect!!

I've got a twin!! Lolz......

Should introduce this to Edison Chen......

The snowflakes were actually falling in this 1......

Ok that's all folks!! I hope this freaking long and picture heavy post(as usual) didn't cause your com to hang =P

Signing off......


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's too bad. The situation could have been salvagable if you had it checked after the first few instances of BSOD. Like any other problem, it won’t go away and will only turn worst the more you neglect it. Hopefully you were able to back up your files before saying farewell to your old friend. How's your new PC holding up, btw? -- Ruby
